Big day day tomorrow, first day of security guard training wish me luck!!
There is still a problem uploading the videos. Im sorry for the delay ill try to have the videos up as soon as i can
Uploading problem again I am getting mad that i can't put the songs up for you but I promise I will have them ASAP!
After a long night working on all my pages and fixing and editing I am finally up and soon will be working on the cover songs I promised all you beautiful people stay tuned.
new youtube cover song video coming later on today new myspace cover song coming later on today be on the look out please comment, rate, subscribe, add, favorite, follow me on twitter and typepad thanks for all the support and love.
Hey Typepad I am new here and I am trying to find more people to help me with my dream of becoming a singer I just put up a new myspace, twitter, facebook and youtube page later on today there will be music on those pages it will consist of Cover songs as well as originals so please be on the look out for my post letting you know that the music is now up